RISC 2010 Conference: Development, Poverty and Global Crises: Reinforcing Governance
CONFERENCE: Consortium for Comparative Research on Regional Integration and Social Cohesion invites to this conference that will examine poverty and development within the framework of recent global crises and governance.
Throughout the world, the failure of development policies at the local, national, regional and global levels are all tied to weaknesses related to governance. The global economic crisis of 2008-2009 highlighted this fact as global leaders publicly declared the need for new forms of governance and economic regulation. Similar calls for change have recently come in the fields of climate change, food security and human rights.
Governance challenges related to development include:
1) political factors such as various forms of corruption, a lack of governmental transparency, weak rule of law, etc.,
2) social challenges, in terms of weak social capital, a lack of citizen participation in policy-making processes, etc.,
3) economic difficulties which are manifested in terms of unemployment, large informal economies, increasing socio-economic marginalization, etc.
Deadline for abstracts is 20 June 2010.
The organizers of the conference is IPSE Research Unit, University of Luxembourg (UNILU) & Centre for Population, Poverty and Public Policy Studies (CEPS/INSTEAD), Luxembourg.