Cross-cultural child research: Ethical challenges
MEETING: The National Committee for Research Ethics for the Social Sciences and Humanities (NESH), Childwatch International Research Network, and The Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO invite to a meeting on key ethical issues that researchers and students face in conducting cross-cultural research with children.
When children and young people participate in research, they are
entitled to special protection. Globalized research creates both new
possibilities and new ethical challenges for the involvement of children
as competent research participants.
Central issues include how researchers should prepare for the ethical
challenges of field work, whether students should conduct ethically
complex child research, and whether researchers and institutions need
better guidelines.
Janet Boddy (Institute of Education, University of London)
Jason Hart (Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath)
Elisabeth Backe-Hansen (NOVA)
Harald Beyer Broch (Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo)
Ragnhild Dybdahl (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation: Norad)
Ragnvald Kalleberg (Department of Sociology and Human Geography,
University of Oslo)
Anne-Trine Kjørholt (Norwegian Centre for Child Research: NOSEB)