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Countdown to Europe 2020: Towards ‘Appropriate Indicators’ to Measure Poverty Reduction in the EU

Countdown to Europe 2020: Towards ‘Appropriate Indicators’ to Measure Poverty Reduction in the EU

CONFERENCE: This capacity-building symposium is organised by The Centre for Parliamentary Studies, and will focus on poverty reduction indicators which seek to raise awareness of poverty reduction as a key policy objective in Europe.

29 June 2010 | Brussels, Belgium

The symposium has the following aims:

-Highlight the key challenges and European Commission's expectations from including poverty reduction as an important element in the Commission's new 'Europe 2020' strategy from March 2010
-Gather comparative analytical knowledge to promote poverty reduction as a measurable goal in Europe
-Provide input for 'Appropriate Indicators' which can be politically relevant for future policy initiatives in the field of poverty
-Highlight useful comparative case studies which will add value to the definition of 'Appropriate Indicators' for measuring poverty reduction in Europe
-Providing recommendations to policy makers at regional level

The organisers welcomes the participation of all key partners, responsible authorities and stakeholders. The Symposium will support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking topical debate.

Click here for further details


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