Call for Nominations CROP Scientific Committee 2013-14
Ideal candidates are distinguished members of the international Science and Humanities community with an outstanding track record in poverty and development research. The call is open to potential candidates from all parts of the world. We particularly encourage nominations of researchers based in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.
CROP is an international programme of the International Social Science Council (ISSC) for building alternative and critical knowledge on fighting and preventing poverty. The Programme is jointly sponsored by the ISSC and the University of Bergen (UiB) and incorporated into the academic life of the UiB.
The objectives of CROP are:
(i) to promote international, interdisciplinary, integrative, critical and comparative research and knowledge;
(ii) to produce knowledge with policy relevance and to create spaces for dialogue with policy makers;
(iii) to build capacity in the global scientific community with special attention to capacity development in collaboration with, and with positive consequences for scholars, organizations, and groups in less developed and developing countries;
(iv) to promote and enable pedagogical activities through summer institutes and research education;
(v) to initiate and promote new research activities.
Nominations will be reviewed by a Committee established by the ISSC and UiB. This committee will present a final list of nominees to the ISSC Executive Committee for endorsement and formal appointment of the CROP Scientific Committee for the period 2013-2014.
The CROP SC has been created to provide guidance on scientific and academic aspects of the programme and constitutes the main body for advising and formulating the overall scientific goals of the Programme.
The SC’s specific responsibilities are to:
a) provide inputs to develop strategic scientific plans for the Programme, and evaluate the results;
b) review with the sponsors the annual financial reports;
c) monitor relevant developments in poverty studies and research and their implications for CROP and possible new research activities supported by CROP;
d) promote coordination and facilitate collaboration with related programmes/initiatives of ISSC member associations and organizations, and other international organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, including the United Nations System but not limited to it; and
e) contribute to fundraising and grant seeking to enable the creation of a variety of research activities under the umbrella of CROP.
Members of the SC shall be committed to meeting (in person or virtually) at least once per year and to engage actively with the CROP Chair and Director as necessary and in between meetings. The SC will not be asked to oversee the day-to-day management of the programme.
It is foreseeable that much of the work of the SC will take place via e-mail and/or other electronic means (i.e., Skype). Therefore, it is expected that SC members will respond readily to e-mail or other means in order to guarantee the collaboration among CROP’s different parties.
This call was open until December 1st, 2012. It is now closed for new submissions.