World Social Science Forum 2018: Security and Equality for Sustainable Futures
ACADEMIC PANELS: CROP is co-organising two sessions during WSSF 2018.
Thank you to all contributors to this event. It was a pleasure to work with both established partners and new acquaintances.
27 September (14:00-16:00) (in co-operation with UNESCO):
The Politics of Inclusion: Towards a Secure and Sustainable Future
Left to right: Mirza Zulfigur Rahman (Indian Institute of Technology), Gilbert Siame (University of Zambia), Toru Oga (Kyushu University), Alberto D. Cimadamore (University of Bergen/ISC), Gabriele Köhler (UNRISD), Pedro Manuel Monreal Gonzalez (UNESCO), Etienne Nel (University of Otago)
Panel Presentations:
- Gilbert Siame: "Understanding social inclusion from the perspectives of slum dwellers in Kampala (Uganda)"
- Mirza Zulfigur Rahman: "Infrastructure Development in Northeast India: Examining Inequality and Exclusion in the Development Promise of Progress and Prosperity"
28 September (14:00-16:00) (in co-operation with the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI):
Gerson Tuazon (University of Auckland), I. Ricardo Castro-Diaz (Autonomous Univ. of Entre Rios/CONICET), Stephanie Büchler (University of Arizona), Christopher A. Scott (University of Arizona), Adebusuyi Isaac Adeniran (Obafemi Awolowo University), Alberto D. Cimadamore (University of Bergen/ISC)
Panel Presentations:
- I. Ricardo Castro-Diaz: "The social vulnerability and ecosystem services feedback: approaching social-ecological analysis in water supply for Andean communities (Lake of Fuquene, Colombia)"
- Adebusuyi Isaac Adeniran: "Exploring the Political-Ecology of Uneven Sino-Nigerian Water Conservation Partnership"
- Christopher A. Scott & Nicolas Pinedá Pablos: "Urban Wastewater for Peri-urban Agriculture in Northwest Mexico: Health Risk, Water Resources, and Sanitation Policy Challenges"
- Chair for UNESCO MOST session:
In addition to the two panel sessions co-organised by CROP, Scientific Director Alberto D. Cimadamore chaired UNESCO MOST's session on “Managing migration towards more inclusive societies and the implementation of Agenda 2030". The MOST (Management of Social Transformations) Programme has a particular focus on the topic of migration through a MOST initiative on the background causes, processes and social implications of migration.
Background information: