Social Policies and Welfare States
Examples of thematic activities 2015-2017:
- Workshop in South Africa on The Democratic Developmental State - Southern African and Nordic Experiences (2015)
- Poverty Brief 28: The Explanatory Power of the Welfare State Development on Poverty and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean (2015)
- Lecture on Human Development in India - Towards Social Inclusion (2015)
- Workshop in Brazil on Welfare States, Labour Rights and Basic Income in Latin America (2016)
- Workshop in USA Social Inclusion and Poverty Eradication (2016)
- Poverty Brief 34: Poverty and Social Inclusion: Towards a 'life-first' understanding? (2016)
- Workshop in St Petersburg on Social Policy, Inequality, and Poverty in post-Socialist Societies (2017)
- Workshop in Paris on The Politics of Inclusion (2017)