
CROP and Sustainability Science

CROP and Sustainability Science

Sustainability Science is an emerging field that CROP has been working on since 2013 with the purpose of identifying theoretical and methodological tools to respond to global challenges such as poverty, climate change and sustainable development for all.

After organising two workshops on Sustainability Science in May 2013 and January 2014 in collaboration with the University of Bergen's (UiB) HEMIL Centre and UiB Global, CROP has been seeking to develop this area of research by bringing together different disciplines and taking advantage of research efforts already underway. A seminar series was thus organised together with the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research during spring 2015, assembling a group of professors, researchers and PhD candidates representing different faculties and various specialised research fields at UiB.

So far, this project has produced the following concrete outputs:

  • A book on Development and Sustainability published by Zed books in April 2016

  • A website

  • A PhD course on Poverty, Climate Change and Water in the Context of SDGs offered as part of the Bergen Summer Research School 2016

  • A PhD course on Agenda 2030: Poverty, Climate Change and Sustainability offered as part of the Bergen Summer Research School 2017

  • Successful application to SIU's UTFORSK programme for a 4-year co-operative project between the University of Bergen (UiB), the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA): Partnership for Poverty and Sustainable Development Studies

    [This application was based to a large degree on a previous application submitted to the Research Council of Norway's INTPART programme to fund the project “Partnership for Education and Research in Sustainability Science on Major Global Challenges: Climate Change, Poverty and Sustainable Development". The application for the INTPART project was not successful, but the experience of preparing this project application paved the way for the successful application to SIU.]


CROP News and Events

CROP-GRIP Newsletter 2019-2020

March 2020

This special issue newsletter is the final one for CROP and the first one for GRIP. It explains the transition process and provides an overview of CROP activities in 2019.

The Politics of Social Inclusion: From Knowledge to Action

15 November 2019 | UN Library, GENEVA

BOOK LAUNCH for forthcoming CROP/UNESCO publication (as part of UNRISD Seminar Series)

Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa

18 October 2019 | Brighton, UK

BOOK LAUNCH and workshop at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Brighton, UK

News from CROPNet
