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The Poverty of the State: reconsidering the role of the state in the struggle against global poverty

The Poverty of the State: reconsidering the role of the state in the struggle against global poverty

Alberto D. CIMADAMORE; Hartley DEAN & Jorge SIQUEIRA [eds.]. CLACSO-CROP Series. CLACSO. Buenos Aires.


The specter of poverty has had an enduring within the history of humankind. However, in these times the eradication of extreme poverty may be feasible. The resources to do so in a reasonable period of the time are available. The desire and willingness of international organizations, governments and peoples to reduce and eradicate poverty are evident from prevailing discourses. What are the factors that are impeding the accomplishment of such a widely accepted goal? It is difficult to give a comprehensive and definite answer. However, a substantial part of the explanation might be found in one of the most important, but problematic, structures of the modern world: namely, the state. This book seeks to open up a wealth of possibilities for debate and for an element of consensus that the state -whatever its past and present limitations- must play a critical role in the struggle against poverty


Preface | 11

Hartley Dean, Alberto Cimadamore and Jorge Siqueira
Introduction | 15

PART I – Theoretical and global dimensions

Hartley Dean
The global human rights agenda and the (im)possibility of the ethical state | 41

Anete Brito Leal Ivo
The redefinition of the social issue and the rethoric on poverty during the ‘90s | 65

Paulo Henrique Martins
Anti-globalization and anti-statism from the perspective of post-development and anti-utilitarianism | 91

PART II – Policy and national dimensions

Virgilio Álvarez Aragón
The strategy of poverty reduction and the educational gap in post-war Guatemala | 109

Nelson Arteaga Botello
The future that will not come: the eradication of poverty from the Mexican federal government’s viewpoint (2000-2006) | 135

José Graziano da Silva, Walter Belik and Maya Takagi
The challenges of a policy of food security in Brazil | 157

Tarcisio Patricio de Araújo and Roberto Alves de Lima
Public employment policies as tools for the reduction of poverty and inequality in Brazil | 179

Mayra Paula Espina Prieto
Poverty, inequality and development: the role of the state in the Cuban experience | 199

Hulya Dagdeviren
Privatization for poverty reduction? The case of Bangladesh and its relevance for other developing economies | 219

PART III – Practical and local dimensions

Rowan Ireland
Fragile synergies for development: the case of Jardim Oratório SP Brazil | 241

John-Andrew McNeish
Poverty, policy and ‘sleight of hand’ in Bolivia and Latin America| 263

Einar Braathen
Social Funds in Africa: a technocratic-clientelistic response to poverty? | 289

Open access to full text:

English version. The poverty of the state 

Spanish version. La pobreza del Estado 

Portuguese version. A pobreza do Estado 


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