
Produção de pobreza e desigualdade na América Latina.

Produção de pobreza e desigualdade na América Latina.

Alberto D. CIMADAMORE & Antonio David CATTANI (eds.) CLACSO-CROP Series. CLACSO/Tomo Editorial, Porto Alegre, March 2007.

[Poverty production and inequeliaty in Latin America]

Poverty and inequality in the contemporary society are the result of actions performed by economical, political and social agents operating within power structures functional to their interests.
The chapters in this book expand the empirical and theoretical discussion about production/reproduction of poverty as well as inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean. They also look at the manners in which these processes have been analyzed in the Latin American social science tradition. In order examine the various conditions which drive poverty production, and possible poverty reduction or elimination policies, new concepts and theoretical models are approached by the authors.
This book is the result of a 2 year collaboration between two of the largest social science networks in Latin America; CLACSO and ALAS (Asociacion Latinoamerica de Sociologia) [Latin American Association of Sociology].


A construção da pobreza e da desigualdade na América Latina: uma introdução | 7
Alberto D. Cimadamore e Antonio David Cattani

As políticas de produção de pobreza: construindo enfoques teóricos integrados  | 15
Alberto D. Cimadamore

Produção de pobreza e construção de subjetividade  | 39
Susana Murillo

A produção da pobreza massiva e sua persistência no pensamento social latino-americano  | 79
Sonia Alvarez Leguizamón

Instituições do Estado e produção e reprodução da desigualdade na América Latina  | 125
Laura Mota Díaz

Práticas governamentais na regulamentação de populações extinguíveis  | 151
Alberto L. Bialakowsky, Ana L. López e M. Mercedes Patrouilleau

A desconstrução do trabalho e a explosão do desemprego estrutural e da pobreza no Brasil  | 195
Ricardo Antunes e Marcio Pochmann

Riqueza substantiva e relacional: um enfoque diferenciado para a análise das desigualdades na América Latina  | 211
Antonio David Cattani

Available also in Spanish.


CROP News and Events

CROP-GRIP Newsletter 2019-2020

March 2020

This special issue newsletter is the final one for CROP and the first one for GRIP. It explains the transition process and provides an overview of CROP activities in 2019.

The Politics of Social Inclusion: From Knowledge to Action

15 November 2019 | UN Library, GENEVA

BOOK LAUNCH for forthcoming CROP/UNESCO publication (as part of UNRISD Seminar Series)

Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa

18 October 2019 | Brighton, UK

BOOK LAUNCH and workshop at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Brighton, UK

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