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What works for the poorest? Poverty reduction programmes for the world's extreme poor

What works for the poorest? Poverty reduction programmes for the world's extreme poor

BOOK by David Lawson, David Hulme, Imran Martin and Karen Moore

Practical Action Publishing, 2010

This book analyses innovative ultra-poor programmes from around the world and explores the lessons that emerge from this new body of knowledge.

Poverty reduction has become the central goal of development policies over the last decade but there is a growing realization that the poorest people rarely benefit from poverty reduction programmes.

It is claimed that microfinance programmes can help poor people improve their lives, but generally such programmes do not reach the extremely poor and the chronic poor: casual labourers in remote rural areas, ethnic and indigenous minorities, older people, widows, migrants, bonded labourers and others.

To counter this, governments, NGOs and donors have started to mount programmes explicitly targeting the poorest. This book is the first attempt to examine such initiatives and identify 'what works for the poorest'. The authors (David Lawson, David Hulme, Imran Martin and Karen Moore) ask the questions: What are the characteristics of extreme poverty? How can we target the very poor? How can we ensure that women are not excluded?

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