
International Science Council (ISC) inaugural Action Plan 2019-2021

International Science Council (ISC) inaugural Action Plan 2019-2021

The ISC's inaugural Action Plan, Advancing Science as a Global Public Good, was recently shared with ISC members.

October 2019

The Action Plan marks the culmination of many months of Board discussions, consultation within the ISC membership and (co-)sponsored programmes, and with the broader international science community. It represents an ambitious programme of much-needed initiatives that is intended to position the ISC as an impactful global voice for science in four domains: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, The Digital Revolution, Science in Policy and Public Discourse, and The Evolution of Science and Science Systems.

The full version, and a mobile friendly version, can be accessed here:


CROP News and Events

CROP-GRIP Newsletter 2019-2020

March 2020

This special issue newsletter is the final one for CROP and the first one for GRIP. It explains the transition process and provides an overview of CROP activities in 2019.

The Politics of Social Inclusion: From Knowledge to Action

15 November 2019 | UN Library, GENEVA

BOOK LAUNCH for forthcoming CROP/UNESCO publication (as part of UNRISD Seminar Series)

Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa

18 October 2019 | Brighton, UK

BOOK LAUNCH and workshop at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Brighton, UK

News from CROPNET
