Mayarí Castillo
Mayarí has a Master in Social Sciences from the Faculty of Social Sciences, (FLACSO – Mexico) and a PhD in Sociology from the Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Her research interests include stratification, social inequality and exclusion; qualitative methodologies of research and analysis and socio-environmental conflicts.
She was a junior researcher at the Program for the Study of CLACSO Poverty - CROP and Intercultural Program Coordinator at the University of Chile, and has conducted research in the area of stratification, inequality and poverty for more than ten years in Latin America, particularly focusing on the analysis of symbolic aspects, their reproduction and legitimation.
Actually she is also researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center of Intercultural and Indigenous Studies (ICIIS) and leads two research projects about inequality and environmental suffering with vulnerable population.
Recent publications:
Desigualdades. Tolerancia, legitimación y conflicto en las sociedades latinoamericanas. Ediciones RIEL – Red Desigualdades – ICIIS - Center for Cohesión and Social Conflict (COES), 2015.
Desigualdad, Legitimación y conflicto.Dimensiones políticas y culturales de la desigualdad en América Latina. Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2011.
- Identidades políticas. Trayectorias y cambios en el caso chileno. Flacso Mexico,2009